Typical Situation: Mr. & Mrs. Johnson are moving into your area. You are a fairly new realtor trying to establish yourself into the market. On this day, you are pulling floor duty at the “We Treat ‘Em Right” Realty. Mr. & Mrs. Johnson come into your company’s offices and you greet them. They inform you that they desire to buy a home in a neighborhood somewhere nearby. You ask the normal questions as to what size home they are seeking; price range; financial situation, etc.After determining the particulars as to what type home, you search your local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to see what is available. If you have no local MLS, you search the Classifieds and/or drive nearby neighborhoods for a prospective home for the Johnsons. Then you set-up showings and tour available homes with the Johnsons. Fortunately, they select a home the first day. You write up the offer, which is accepted, and the sale closes in 30 days. You thank the Johnsons, your company sends them a door knocker gift and you go back to floor duty, hoping another prospective customer will walk in.
This Is Not The End Of The Story: Two years later friends of the Johnsons move to town. They ask the Johnsons if they know a good realtor; however, the Johnsons can’t remember your name. Two years after that Mr. Johnson gets transferred to another city and the Johnsons list their home for sale with another realtor. In the meantime you are still pulling floor duty and advertising for prospects. In the next issue we will discuss how this story could have and should have had a different and better ending.
These posts are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.
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