Friday, July 16, 2010

Buy A House In Transit

A great way to acquire houses at a very reasonable price is to become acquainted with a house mover. There are many reasons that houses need to be moved, such as:

1) A Freeway being built needing land which currently has houses on it.
2) Developers and Builders clearing off older houses to develop a project, new subdivision, or whatever.
3) Property has been re-zoned Commercial and needs houses to be removed,
4) Etc., Etc., Etc.

A good idea is to contact people who move these houses and bid to buy them. If you can get to them before the house is moved, you can have it delivered to your location.
Further, house movers usually have a Sales Lot where they have houses they have moved which they wish to re-sell. I have bought houses and moved them to a vacant lot. I did a little rehab work and then VOILA! I either sold them or rented them out.

My son, who is a builder, bought a very nice, very solid, older house and moved it to land that he owns. He built a beautiful “New” home, actually incorporating the older home within the new one. You can’t tell now where the older house is (unless you knew beforehand).
There are a lot of vacant lots available in many areas to move houses to. You can move a house on the lot, fix-up, and have it ready for a new owner or tenant a lot faster and less expensive than if you build the house.

So – here is the idea. Look around and locate a professional house mover. Get acquainted and let him/her know that you are interested in buying homes that he/she (notice how I’m trying to be “Politically” correct here), might move. Ask them to let you know when one is coming up so that you can inspect it and maybe bid on it to buy.

Also, look around for vacant lots that are available. Be sure you look for lots which have all UTILITIES available.

These posts are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.

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