Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Easiest Deal I Ever Made or "The Holy Triplex"

A thousand years ago (more or less) I was a newly Licensed Real Estate Agent in Sierra Vista, Arizona. The only knowledge and “Skill” I possessed was what I had learned in the classes I took to get my License. This particular day I was doing floor duty. All you Realtors know what floor duty is, right? That’s what you do to get business - until you get your “Farm” built. If you would like some of my ideas on building your farm, please view my article post, “Real Estate’s Building Your Farm” in the Broker Corner of my Blog

Anyway, back to my “Easiest Deal” story. This fellow, Mr. Smith, came into our office wanting to sell a property. He was directed to me wherein he explained that he had this Triplex he wanted to sell. The Triplex, he explained, had been converted from an old church building and was located in a small town some ten miles from Sierra Vista called Nicksville. So we signed-up a Listing Agreement, right then and there. At this time I don’t remember the price he wanted for the property. Also at that time I had not even seen the property and being on floor duty, I could not go do that until a later day.

So after exchanging a few pleasantries, the gentleman left. I would guess that this was probably in the late morning. After he let I got back to doing what Realtors do when on floor duty; answering random telephone calls and handling walkins – like the gentleman who wanted to sell his Triplex.

Sometime later, probably around mid-afternoon (this is the same day), Mr. Smith comes back into the office. Another gentleman, I’ll call him Mr. Allen, was with him. Mr. Smith explained to me that Mr. Allen wanted to buy the Triplex. Needless to say, I was ecstatic! Mr. Smith further stated that they had already been to the local bank and arranged for Mr. Allen to get a loan on the Triplex. I wondered later how they managed to get that loan; especially after I had seen the property, which was somewhat “rough”.

Anyway we drew up the Purchase Agreement with Mr. Allen agreeing to pay full price. At the time I just could not believe that this deal would ever close. There had to be something I couldn’t see or understand. However, my fears were unfounded. As soon as the title work was done, the deal closed. I received both the Listing AND Selling commissions. I came to find out later that all deals weren’t going to be this easy.

The rest of this story is that Mr. Allen became a regular and fruitful client of mine. I think that eventually I sold that same Triplex at least three times. So there you have it - my “Easiest Deal”.

I want to invite any and all of you readers to email me your “Easiest Deal in Real Estate” story. You don’t have to be a Realtor to do that. Who knows, I may publish your deal as an article on my Blog, with your permission, giving you credit. Email me at

These posts are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.

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