So, you want to do Real Estate projects; however, you don’t want to finance your deals through Conventional Lenders, banks, or other Institutional Lenders. Even though you may be financially able to borrow from banks, you prefer Private Lenders for many reasons; such as:
1. They will make loans on properties and projects that banks will not.
2. They are more aggressive and will fund deals much quicker than banks.
3. They will do small loans.
4. you will have more control with your project.
Now, how do we find these Private Lenders? They are everywhere, if you look around. Let’s consider some of the sources.
1. Friends and relatives. You would probably be surprised at the number of people you know who would invest in IRAs, CDs, Money Markets, etc., and who have the funds in which to do it. Most of these people would like to have better returns on their money. So, if you can convince them that you can provide them with better and SAFER yields; some will be interested.
2. Professional people you know who may have funds available. Doctors, lawyers, dentists, CPAs, etc., usually earn very good incomes; however, most don’t have time to personally pursue investing and therefore depend on other people, stockbrokers, etc. Again, if you can get their attention long enough to explain your program, some will be interested.
3. Newspaper ads – Look for ads such as: “Money To Loan”. Also, you can place your own ads ; for example: “Investor needed for local Real Estate Loans” or “Real Estate note For Sale – Excellent Return” NOTE: You may not have a note For Sale now, but your intention is to create one.
4. Talk to Title companies, attorneys who do Real Estate closings, and CPAs who have investor clients for leads to Private Investors.
5. Join local Real Estate Investment Clubs and meet other people who are doing what you want to do. Investors also belong to these clubs.
6. Consider offering classes to Private Investors or “Would Be” Private Investors to explain your program.
NOTE: Be careful with any advertisement you may place in the newspaper. Do Not propose any specific yield in your ads. Do Not ever Guarantee anything in your ads.
Once you have found an investor who expresses an interest in funding your Real Estate projects, you need to develop rapport and an element of trust with that investor. In other words, you have to prove to the investor that you know what you are doing. This is where your written business plan with referrals (if you have them) comes in. If you are new at this and don’t have business referrals connected with Real Estate, get referrals from friends, attorneys, CPAs, bankers, and anyone you know who has some stature.
The main thing to the investor is, as stated before, is your plan and attitude. Don’t be a beggar and don’t be a “Know It All” either. Just lay things out as they are. The investor, who most likely has financed Real Estate deals before, will sense that you are for real. Then you must demonstrate that he is in fact correct; You are for real.
If you need help preparing for this, get help from other Real Estate Club members or seek out someone who is doing these kinds of projects. You can also talk to Realtors, Title Companies, etc.
I would appreciate any comments you may have to this and any other Blog Posts we may write.
These posts are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.
1. They will make loans on properties and projects that banks will not.
2. They are more aggressive and will fund deals much quicker than banks.
3. They will do small loans.
4. you will have more control with your project.
Now, how do we find these Private Lenders? They are everywhere, if you look around. Let’s consider some of the sources.
1. Friends and relatives. You would probably be surprised at the number of people you know who would invest in IRAs, CDs, Money Markets, etc., and who have the funds in which to do it. Most of these people would like to have better returns on their money. So, if you can convince them that you can provide them with better and SAFER yields; some will be interested.
2. Professional people you know who may have funds available. Doctors, lawyers, dentists, CPAs, etc., usually earn very good incomes; however, most don’t have time to personally pursue investing and therefore depend on other people, stockbrokers, etc. Again, if you can get their attention long enough to explain your program, some will be interested.
3. Newspaper ads – Look for ads such as: “Money To Loan”. Also, you can place your own ads ; for example: “Investor needed for local Real Estate Loans” or “Real Estate note For Sale – Excellent Return” NOTE: You may not have a note For Sale now, but your intention is to create one.
4. Talk to Title companies, attorneys who do Real Estate closings, and CPAs who have investor clients for leads to Private Investors.
5. Join local Real Estate Investment Clubs and meet other people who are doing what you want to do. Investors also belong to these clubs.
6. Consider offering classes to Private Investors or “Would Be” Private Investors to explain your program.
NOTE: Be careful with any advertisement you may place in the newspaper. Do Not propose any specific yield in your ads. Do Not ever Guarantee anything in your ads.
Once you have found an investor who expresses an interest in funding your Real Estate projects, you need to develop rapport and an element of trust with that investor. In other words, you have to prove to the investor that you know what you are doing. This is where your written business plan with referrals (if you have them) comes in. If you are new at this and don’t have business referrals connected with Real Estate, get referrals from friends, attorneys, CPAs, bankers, and anyone you know who has some stature.
The main thing to the investor is, as stated before, is your plan and attitude. Don’t be a beggar and don’t be a “Know It All” either. Just lay things out as they are. The investor, who most likely has financed Real Estate deals before, will sense that you are for real. Then you must demonstrate that he is in fact correct; You are for real.
If you need help preparing for this, get help from other Real Estate Club members or seek out someone who is doing these kinds of projects. You can also talk to Realtors, Title Companies, etc.
I would appreciate any comments you may have to this and any other Blog Posts we may write.
These posts are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.